How it is Impacting Decision Making in the Workplace 

The world of work is constantly being moulded by new technologies and changing demands from employees and employers. Artificial Intelligence is one of the latest and possibly, most impactful technologies shifting the global landscape.

As AI systems become increasingly more common in production lines, offices, prediction models and workplace decisions, it is critical to explore how adopting AI will impact economic activity and professional lives. 

Defining Artificial Intelligence

You no longer need to be a data scientist to engage with complex data. The term applied AI is everywhere, and it can be easy to forget what it encompasses with all the new rhetoric we’re encountering.

As such, this article should define the term used throughout the piece. Applied AI involves all the activities that underlie AI’s operationalisation from experimentation to production, including enabling computers and computer-controlled robots to execute tasks. What is most interesting for business leaders and employees is how AI will be used at work and the impact on human labour and human workers. 

Artificial Intelligence in the Workplace 

A recent global survey by McKinsey found that more than half of the respondents were beginning to implement AI in at least one of their business units. In that same study, nearly two-thirds of respondents expected their organisations to increase investments in AI over the next few years.

Applied AI is a powerful tool for organisations to improve their business practices. One of the more apparent areas for businesses to begin integrating AI in the workplace is using it to aid decision-making. 

Applied Artificial Intelligence for Decision Making 

Organisations have largely left the decision-making to the judgement of management judgement. However, in recent years, organisations have been increasingly interested in implementing data to aid decision-making.

Still, AI allows leaders and decision-makers to reimagine how they manage processes, how to use AI for talent acquisition, and organisational structures, but how is it reshaping how organisations operate? 

Five Ways that Applied Artificial Intelligence is Reshaping Decision Making 

Enhanced Data Analysis: 


Automation and Efficiency 


Predictive Analysis 

Risk Management and Compliance 

Personalised Decision Support 


Considerations Organisations Need to Make as they Implement Artificial intelligence in the Workplace 

Artificial intelligence in the workplace can provide big data insights for organisations. In contrast, the integration of artificial intelligence in decision-making processes has the potential to revolutionise how organisations operate and achieve their business objectives. Applied AI offers powerful tools and capabilities to enhance efficiency, improve accuracy, and unlock valuable insights. However, as organisations embrace this transformative technology, it is crucial to consider certain factors to ensure successful implementation and maximise the benefits. 

These considerations include, but are not limited to: 

Clearly Define Objectives 

Human and Artificial Intelligence Collaboration 

Continuous Monitoring and Evaluation 

Scalability and Flexibility 


Final Thoughts 

Applied artificial intelligence is revolutionising decision-making in the workplace by augmenting human capabilities, enhancing data analysis, enabling predictive analytics, streamlining processes, and offering personalised support. In addition, artificial intelligence in the workplace can be used to turn complex data into something that a larger group of people can understand. 

The implementation of artificial intelligence does not mean the elimination of human workers, human intelligence, or human creativity. On the contrary, if used correctly, artificial intelligence should provide valuable insights, minimise repetitive tasks, assist in an employee’s personal development and, with evidence-based reasoning uncovered, make work more efficient. As a result, organisations that carefully embrace AI tools have the opportunity to create a new modern workforce without making employees fearful of machine learning causing job losses. 









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