How Top Employers and Top Employers Institute are contributing to a more sustainable future 

In discussions around sustainability, trees can often be forgotten as many focus on issues around pollution, but over the last 10 000 years the world has lost a third of its forests through deforestation, logging, and climate change. World Tree and Forests Day, celebrated on the 21st of March, intends to raise understand around the significant role that forests and trees play in the global environment while also increasing awareness of steps that can be taken to protect and support them.  

Over the last few years, HR has been progressively involved in their organisation’s sustainability efforts. In earlier articles we have looked at the new role that HR is playing in sustainability actions in detail and seen how this differs from corporate social responsibility. It’s encouraging to see that 62% of Certified Top Employers are using their dashboard consistently to show their social and environmental performance. 64% of Top Employers are also incentivising their employees to support environmental goals.  

The key for organisations is to not only raise awareness but to also create programmes that show actionable positive results for the environment. On World Tree and Forests Day, we would like to highlight some of the practices actioned by Top Employers and Top Employers Institute as an organisation.  

What are Top Employers Doing 

It is uplifting to see how these Top Employers have been able to make actionable steps to a more sustainable future through these programmes. Inspired by these Top Employers and many more leading organisations, Top Employers Institute has also set up a tree planting programme.  

top employers supporting tree planting

How does Top Employers Institute’s Tree Planting Programme Work 

The Top Employers Institute’s Trees for Tomorrow tree planting programme began in 2021 as a World Earth Day pledge. The organisation chose to plant trees because we believe that trees represent life and growth while also contributing to a better world. These beliefs align with our organisation’s purpose and as such the tree planting has continued to this day through a partnership with Trees for All.  

Whenever a new employee joins Top Employers Institute, no matter where in the world they are based, they will have two trees planted in their names. One of their trees will be planted in the Netherlands and the other will be planted in another country in the world, in 2022 with Trees for All Top Employers Institute planted trees in Bolivia, Madagascar, Mexico and, of course, the Netherlands. In last year that meant that we helped to plant 158 trees.  

The new employee always gets a certificate that tells them where their two trees have been planted. It is all part of our organisation’s way of contributing to a more sustainable future.  

Final Thoughts 

Organisations that support World Tree Day can help to improve their local environments by supporting programmes and initiatives that contribute to a sustainable future. It is important to acknowledge that every small action counts and whether it is through a large programme or a small one, there can be a significant impact on the world.