Become a Top Employer
Become a Top Employer

Get Recognised as an Employer of Choice in the UK!

Top Employers Institute is the global HR authority on certifying excellence in people strategies and practices. We believe employees make the organisation, and they thrive when excellent people practices empower them.

Certification Programme allows participating companies to be validated, certified and recognised as an employer of choice. Discover more about the Top Employers Institute Certification Programme in the video below.


In 2023, Top Employers Institute has certified over 2100 organisations in 123 countries/regions. These certified Top Employers positively impact the lives of over 9 million employees globally. 


Why join the Top Employers Programme?

Promote and celebrate your success with the world-renowned Certification Seal and other branding tools to leverage your excellence to the world.

Benchmark your organisation’s performance against the global Top Employers Institute standard and access dynamic analytics and insights via your results dashboard.

Make data-driven decisions and drive company-wide adoption of key HR initiatives. Simultaneously shine a light upon often-hidden local best practices.

Connect with Top Employers worldwide through online and offline events to share knowledge and get inspired.

Value of Participation

Our current Top Employers highlight the value of participating in the programme:

Strengthen your employer's brand

• 74% say that the usage of the Certification Seal has improved their positioning as an employer of choice.
• 70% say that the usage of the Certification Seal has improved their ability to attract talent.

Improve your people practices

• 86% say benchmarking data has helped them improve their HR practices to grow as an employer of choice.

Achieve greater alignment globally

• 84% claim data has helped them better align policies and practices between countries.

Connect with Top Employers from around the world

• 74% say events organised by Top Employers Institute have helped build their network of HR Professionals.


"It is a very proud moment for every one of us at Infosys to be certified once again as a global Top Employer. This is the third year in a row and we are very privileged to be part of an elite group of great companies."

- Richard Lobo | Executive Vice President & Head Human Resources


"It's a fulfillment of pride to know we are one of the global Top Employers, a regional Top Employer in four regions, and in 22 countries. That means that all the hard work we've been putting in to modernize our HR practices is paying off."

- Dietmar Knoess | Global Director People & Organization at Puma SE


"The Top Employer certification has helped immensely in improving our practices. We use it not just as a certification medium but also as a benchmark. The framework itself helps us align our practices to the pillars of top employer certification."

- Ramachandran Sundararajan | Chief People Officer